Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Sakidori is an old Japanese word that nobody under 50 who I've asked has ever heard it. It means feeling a season before it arrives. As I've said, fall seemed to arrive right on time, and the weather has generally felt cool though actually the temperature has been above normal every day except for two days of this past week of seemingly cooler weather. Obviously the low humidity has something to do with how comfortable it's felt. It's only been 50% or less most of the past week and, after this summer, that counts as dry.

Some of the stores are obviously feeling season that haven't come yet. Yesterday I stopped off at a lawson's conbini (convenience store) and found these brochures, for ordering your Christmas cake, toshikoshi soba, and osechi ryori.

YOur last meal of the year is supposed to be noodles, preferably soba. Long noodles = long life
I started this blog in late December, talking about almost nothing but osechi rypori. I'll get back to this topic in late December.

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