Sunday, April 25, 2010

Spice level 2

Indian food for lunch. Curry is extremely popular here, but the usual curry (as in 99%) is really mild and based on a beef roux. Once, at a curry restaurant (part of a chain) I ordered shrimp curry and even that came in a beef sauce. At one elementary school I worked at, years ago, the students planted and harvested rice on a tiny plot next to the school. After milling, they cooked it up as, you guessed it, "curry rice."

This restaurant, however, is part of a local chain that hires Indian chefs and the food is authentic North Indian. You can choose your spice level.

I chose 5. Six would have been okay. Seven is hotter than I'm used to these days.

My wife chose level 2.

Like Goldilocks's porridge, it was just right!

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