Thursday, April 8, 2010

Sweet potato ice cream

Sometimes my daughter seems much more American than Japanese, but sometimes . . .

We had some warm days in March, and a lot of cold ones. April is starting off like it thinks its March and wants to come in like a lion. Last night I rode my motorbike home at 7:30 and the gale force wind out of the north made me think of a time camping in winter on Mt. Lassen, lying down on the wind whipped snow to take a sunset picture.

Earlier in the day I had taken my daughter out to lunch with a friend and, after lunch, I offered her a choice of something from the bakery or ice cream. Since she's eight, she chose the ice icream. The store had 8 or 10 flavors of ice cream in cups, plus a choice of three flavors of soft ice cream (called soft cream here), vanilla, red potato, and sweet potato. She chose sweet potato. I stand in awe of how Japanese she is, sometimes.

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