Friday, August 27, 2010

How many centurnarians are there in Japan?

It turns out there may be far fewer than most people think. A case came to light a few weeks ago of a centurnarian who was cashing pension checks who wasn't actually technically speaking alive. This prompted local governments to check, since the way residence certificates are maintained in Japan, it's possible for a person to die without their official city of residence being notified, if they have moved, perhaps into a retirement home or convalescent hospital in a different city, without anyone notifying the first city.

The city of Osaka has just finished an audit and found, " residence registries have been retained for 5,125 people who would be 120 years or older if they were alive, including a man who was born in 1857," according to this article in the Japan Times.

Update September 9: 230,000 centenarians may be already deceased, according to this article.

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