Thursday, January 21, 2010

Historical food week

They're having an historical food week at my daughter's school.They're showing them the history of school lunches in Japan. At least, the post-WWII history of school lunches. As far as I can understand from the handout she brought home:
  • Monday they had grilled fish and onigiri, a rice ball with a strip of nori wrapped partially around it.
  • Then they had an American influenced lunch with bread and milk added.
  • Finally, they get their regular lunch of rice, soup with vegetables, and meat and vegetable main course, and milk.
It should add a little interest to what is, after all, pretty much the same old thing. My daughter asked me what I had for school lunch when I was a kid. Now, that was practically in the Jurassic Era. In elementary school, I brought a sandwich or two and maybe some fruit. (and chocolate?) In junior high I went across the street and ate two hamburgers. In high school I chose whichever of the two horrors presented looked less horrible. I've had Japanese school lunch a few times. It's no improvement.

The same goes for Japanese hospital food. The only good food is the sushi your friends and family bring in to you.

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